Monday, December 20, 2010

I love you.

I love you. No, I don't love you.I hate you. I hate you for being what you are.I hate you for being so much provoking.I hate you for looking all the way handsome when all my hair resembles is haystack. I hate you for understanding everything which floats above my head.I hate you for making me feel like a looser when I know I am the winner. I hate you for looking so tempting when all I can look like is a ghost. I hate you for being perfect at almost everything when I still don't have any idea what I am I good at.I hate you for making me jealous every time I  caught a girl's eye staring at you.I hate you when you flirt with some other girl when someone who loves you is right here! I hate you for making me think of you every single night.I hate you for making me act stupid when i caught you staring me. I hate you for giving that so alluring, so enchanting smile after that.I hate you when you try to talk to me and I(inspite the fact that i want to say too much) find myself incapable of uttering a single word.

Lastly, I hate you for even after you have given me so many reasons to hate you,I still love you.


  1. its a lovely piece...mixture of all the emotions...hatred, frustration, anguish disappointment and yet love conquers all....keep on writing baby...i have a blog too ..just follow the link

  2. a typical galz post!!
    gud going!!

  3. good yr..
    keep writing..!!

  4. @Mam: Your blog is awesome. Especially the MJ piece.=)
    @Ayushi:I know I am being a typical girl.But that's what I am!
    @"Newly named Ayesha":Thank you re!

  5. I hate you! How can you write such a lovely hate note!


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