Monday, August 15, 2011

A penny for your thoughts. Random thoughts of mine.

Phew.. Back after a long looooooooong time. I have been very busy lately.. ( Well, Atleast I thought so. No one around me did. People need to understand being lazy demands a lot of will power too! ) So my dear people this time I am not going to bore you with paragraphs but with some boring one-liners!! :P

1. Good and Bad are nothing but traits seperated by a fine thread of acceptance.

2. Of all, Even the purest thing called love needs to be proven.

3. Boredum and loneliness are the only truths shared by wise and unwise alike.

4. The shadow is the only image with every uncertaintity contained.

5.When deeds fail, Words speak. And when words fail, Deeds speak.

6.He is the happiest man alive who every night sleeps without any thoughts of coming morning.

7.If a man is succesful, It is only because he fears his own potential a lot.

8.When you have a reason to live, either every moment smiles past or every moment is an eternity lost.

9.Deprive the sky of stars and garden of flowers. Moon will be lonely and greenry would not amuse.

10.The sole reason for being with someone is they expect you to grow while accepting you as you are. :)

11.Big achievements always bring along inseperable failures. A man on top is the one who failed in everything but his work.

12.Rapacious time always had the bad habit of taking with itself best of our memories.

13.A touch can instill millon symphonies.

14.The stories of great heroes are the ones that inspire one but entertain nienty-nine.

15. It is the light that makes you blind.

16.If life never installed unfair means, we would have had discovered new ways of being in grief.

17.The very charm of best things is that they often unnoticed.

18.Celebrated are those who inspire millions, all the way lying to themselves.

19.The tragedy of our age is - In our yearning to make communication easier, We are left with no time to communicate.

Huh! Won't bother typing more! So bye-bye! :D

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